
Сахарин натрия

Сахарин натрия


Описание товара:

Сахарин натрия, with E number E954, CAS number 6155-57-3 или же 128-44-9, manufacturing process by chemical synthesis, toluene and chlorosulfonic acid as main raw materials. It is available in Sodium Saccharin anhydrous and di-hydrated form. It is used widely in Tabletop sweeteners, Dairy products, Canned goods, Baked goods, Pharmaceutical products, Soft drinks, Confectionery, Fruit-based products, Sauces.

Анализ Описание
Появление Белые кристаллы
Содержание анализа % 99.0-101.0
Убыток от высыхания % ≤15 or 6
Удельное вращение, +84.0 ~ ~ + 87,5 º
Воспламененный остаток, % ≤0,7
Продукты гидролиза, % ≤0,1
Метанол, % ≤0,1%
РН(10% водный раствор) 5.0-7.0
Мышьяк (В качестве) < 2 промилле
Кадмий (CD) < 1,0 мг / кг
Вести (Pb) < 2 мг / кг
Меркурий (Hg) < 0,1 мг / кг
Микробный анализ
Общее количество тарелок ≤ 250
Всего дрожжей & Форма ≤ 50
Колиформ ≤ 3
E. Coli Отрицательный
Сальмонелла Отрицательный


Saccharin Sodium is a salt of saccharin widely used as sweetener in food and beverage. Especially used in toothpaste. Sodium Saccharin is most commonly used as a sugar substitute in confectionery, cookie, напиток, and baked good applications.
Saccharin has been used to sweeten foods and beverages without calories or carbohydrates for over a century.
The use of saccharin is particularly important to those whose diets require a restriction of caloric or carbohydrate intake, such as people with diabetes. Most health practitioners favor the use of a non-caloric sweetener like saccharin in weight reduction and for people with diabetes.

Кошерный сертифицированный:

Sodium Saccharin is an artificial sweetener manufactured through chemical synthesis. В качестве искусственного низкокалорийного подсластителя, Sodium Saccharin is general recognized as Kosher classified as Parve.

Халяльный сертифицированный:

Sodium Saccharin is an artificial sweetener manufactured through chemical synthesis.
Как синтезированное химическое, Sodium Saccharin is general recognized as halal.

Не содержит глютен:

Sodium Saccharin is gluten free and widely used in gluten free food used as an artificial sweetener in products such as chewing gum, фруктовые пасты, джемы, обработанные фрукты, переработанные овощи, конфеты, напитки, кофе, чай и заправка для салата.