
Пигмент экстракта какао

Пигмент экстракта какао


Cacao husk pigment

название :Пигмент экстракта какао

Источник: Cocoa

Ботаническое название :Theobroma cacao

Extract part: Bean shell

анализ:Color Value (EL%1cm535±5nm)NLT50

Identification measure :UV-VIS

Появление: Fine Brown powder

Country of origin:P.R. Китай


Cacao is usually refereed to the dried and fully fermented fatty seed of Theobroma cacao ,the plant from which chocolate is made.Commonly known as Cocoa bean or Cocao bean and sometimes Cocoa , from which cocoa solids and cocoa butter are extracted.

Theobroma cacao is the scientific classification for the plant also called the cacao tree and the cocoa tree, which is a small perennial evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae, native to the deep tropical regions of Central and South America forest.It produce fruits contain seeds that used to make cocoa mass, cocoa powder, and chocolate .

Основные биоактивные вещества:

The main component of cocoa beans is lipid fraction and protian fraction , approximately 50% and 10–15% respectively.Cocoa beans also contain stimulant substances, caffeine, named purinic alkaloids, which affect the central nervous system.

Polyphenols in cocoa beans could contribute to about 12%–18% of the dry weight,making them practically inedible due to the bitterness and astringency . Flavanols are the most important class of cocoa polyphenols ,related to many biochemical properties of Cocoa beans .


Cold drinks & еда, cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate related products, confectionary, хлеб, выпечка, Fish can, meat can, colorful decoration, печенье, baked food fillings, ice cream, carbonated drinks, liqueur.

Its pH value under 4 easy to precipitate some restrictions, can be used in a variety of food with chocolate or caramel coloring agent.