

Mushroom coffee is a regular black coffee mixed with powdered medicinal mushrooms. Despite being made with fungus, the coffee does not have a typical mushroomy taste, as the species used in the powder have a more muted, earthy flavour compared to portobello or white button mushrooms. The beverage has half the amount of caffeine than […]

Описание: Supports heart health by helping maintain low cholesterol Supports healthy weight management when taken alongside a well-balanced diet Supports gut health and healthy digestion Supports skin health thanks to their antimicrobial properties and added vitamin B12 Along with the benefits above, Лучшие жевательные конфеты с яблочным уксусом для женщин:: 100% естественный, веган, Не содержит лактозы, не содержит глютен & […]

Purple corn extract

Июнь 1, 2022

Purple corn (Purple Corn), a native plant of the Andes, has extremely high phenolic compounds (phenolic compounds) and anthocyanidins (антоцианидины). Purple Corn (Purple Corn), Latin name ZEA MAYZ L., is a corn variety unique to Peru. The corn cobs and grains are purple. Purple Corn (Purple Corn) was planted as early as the pre-Inca period.Now […]

Агуахе (Маврикий гибкий) это плод одноименной пальмы, произрастающей в районе Амазонки в Перу.. Плод имеет овальную форму, темно-красную кожуру и мясистую мякоть, цвет которой варьируется от желтого до оранжевого.. The natural habitat of this plant is the humid and […]

Поставка Aogubio Гриб чаги — нетоксичный гриб из семейства Hymenochaetaceae, обладающий различными лечебными свойствами.. Слово «чага» происходит от русского слова «гриб». (производное от чага). Чага не гриб; скорее, это затвердевшая масса мицелия; другой термин для грибов чаги - склероций.. 1.Aogubio supply Chaga is not a mushroom, […]

What is Bacopa Monnieri? Bacopa Monnieri or Monniera is the perennial herb in East Asia, Северная Америка, Европа, and Oceania. It grows by itself in average heights, and its leaves are useful in giving the extract. It has some cognitive activity to improve memory function in healthy individuals. Brahmi shows an improved Bacopasides activity to the […]


Май 31, 2022

Abstract of L-Cysteine: aogubio supply l-cysteine is a proteingenic amino acid, which contributes toward a multitude of functions in biological systems. Cysteine is classified as a semiessential amino acid and can be synthesized in the liver from methionine, which is a sulfur-containing amino acid. This makes the abundance of methionine a critical factor to human health. […]

Eastern medicine makes use of many different plants and fungi. Interestingly, the reishi mushroom is particularly popular. It has a variety of potential health benefits, including boosting the immune system and fighting cancer. This article will tell you what you need to know about the potential benefits of reishi mushroom. What Is the Reishi Mushroom? […]

наименование товара: Bitter Melon Extract Charantin Latin Name:Момордика харантия L. Стандарт: Food Grade Appearance:Brown powder Specification:10%-25% Срок годности:2 years CATEGORY AND TAGS: Все продукты,Товары для здоровья, Фруктовый и овощной порошок, Пищевые добавки, Блоги, Новости, OEM-производство, коричневый порошок, Экстракт горькой дыни Charantin,10%Charantin Product information Product Name Bitter Melon Extract Charantin Appearance Brown powder Extract Part Friut […]