
100% Organic Kombucha Lemon Powder With Best PriceBuy Kombucha Lemon Powder

100% Organic Kombucha Lemon Powder With Best PriceBuy Kombucha Lemon Powder


100% Organic Kombucha Lemon Powder with Best Price

Aogu Biotech—Introdução de Produto

Nome do Produto Kombucha Lemon Powder
Tamanho da partícula 80-100 Malha
Parte Usada Fruta
Cor Pó amarelo claro
Solubilidade Solúvel em água
Aplicativo Comida, Beverage and Cosmetics
Recurso 100% Natural, Sem Pigmento, Não-OGM, Vegan
Armazenar Por favor, armazene em local fresco e seco, mantenha-se afastado de luz / calor fortes.

Kombucha Lemon Powder is made by finely grinding dried lemon rinds. The bright and sour flavor is stimulating and makes a wonderful, uplifting addition to herbal teas. Citrus x limon powder can be added to bath and body creations, dessert recipes, marinades, and savory culinary dishes.
Although orange peel is more commonly prescribed in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, lemon peel also stimulates the appetite by encouraging the release of gastric juices to digest food and helps provide vitamin C. Lemon peel is added to scores of herbal teas and herbal formulas for aroma and taste enhancement. Many people eat lemon peel or add it to teas in order to enhance flavor and impart its delicious, citrusy aroma.

Aogu Biotech—Aplicativo
In Food
Sprinkle lemon powder over sautéed vegetables, during or after cooking. Add it to baked goods like sweet breads, muffins, biscoitos, or even in frosting or pudding. Add it into artichoke cooking water for a bright pop of flavor.

In Cosmetics
Lemon Powder can be used to make Vitamin C enriched natural face pack for face. Lemon Peel is rich in Vitamin C, an essential Anti-Oxidant, that refreshes the skins and offers deep cleansing. Lemon has an astringent effect on skin leaving the skin fresh and clean.

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