
100% Natural Organic Bitter Melon Powder For Health ProductBuy Organic Bitter Melon Powder

100% Natural Organic Bitter Melon Powder For Health ProductBuy Organic Bitter Melon Powder

Informações gerais
Nome dos produtos:Organic Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon Powder
Ingredientes :Organic Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon
Reivindicações de conteúdo de nutrientes:Orgânico, Vegan
ALLERGEN STATEMENT:There is no historical date available of any case of Allergies with Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon fruit or powder-Produced with 100% Natural organic fruit with no carriers, confirmed Allergen Free.
CERTIFICATION: Certificado orgânico, Kosher,Halal and Food grade.
Análise Descrição Método de teste
Nome botânico Momordica Charantia Visual
Parte da Planta Whole Fruit Visual
Descrição Pó 60 mesh Yellow-green powder AOAC 2000.07
Sabor Natural típico Organoléptico
Solubilidade Solúvel em água Método Oficial AOCS Cd 1-25
Conservantes Nenhum Método Oficial AOCS Ca 2c-25
Umidade 4.50% AOAC 925.10
Metais pesados < 3 ppm ICP-MS / AOAC 993.14
Arsênico (Como) < 0.5 ppm ICP-MS / AOAC 993.14
Cádmio (CD) < 0.5 ppm ICP-MS / AOAC 993.14
Liderar (Pb) < 0.5 ppm ICP-MS / AOAC 993.14
Mercúrio (Hg) < 0.1 ppm ICP-MS / AOAC 993.14
Análise Microbiana
Contagem total de placas < 50,000 cfu / g AOAC 990.12
Levedura Total & Bolor < 2,000 cfu / g AOAC 997.02
E. Coli < 10 cfu / g AOAC 991.14
Coliformes < 10 cfu / g AOAC 991.14
Salmonella Negativo ELFA-AOAC
Estafilococo < 10 cfu / g AOAC 2003.07


Descrição do Produto Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a type of edible, medicinal fruit that is native to Asia, Africa and parts of the Caribbean.It has a very long history of use in China, was introduced into Traditional Chinese Medicine practices around the 14th century. Knowing that bitter foods tend to be cleansing for the body and capable of boosting liver health, the Chinese were attracted to bitter melon\’s extremely sour taste.
Aplicação 1. Indústria alimentícia, bitter melon extract powder is mainly used as food additives.
2. Health product, It is mainly used as capsules or pills.
3. Bitter melon\’s Vitamin C content is very high. It has functions of preventing scurvy, protecting cell membrane and so on.
It can prevent atherosclerosis, sharpen organism stress, and protect the heart.
Storage and Package Double line Plastic Bag heat-sealed, corrugated carton. Store in Dry Place, away from light, in original and closed packaging, avoiding direct contact with the floor, store in temperatures between 20-25℃ , This product may be hygroscopic.
Validade 24 months from production date, after manufacturer packing opened valid for maximum 12 meses.
PROCESSADO DE MATÉRIAS-PRIMAS QUE SÃO: Não geneticamente modificado.
Sem enzimas, preservatives or additives are used during the production. Nenhuma irradiação é usada em ou durante o processo.
Nenhum ETO usado BSE GRÁTIS.
Sem glúten.
Eles são vegetarianos e veganos

Aogu Biotech-Superfood-Water Solubility


Mais detalhes

Embalagem: 1kg / saco, 25kgs / tambor Dois sacos de plástico dentro e tambores de papel ou de acordo com os requisitos do cliente.
Armazenar: Armazenar em local apertado, recipientes resistentes à luz, evite a exposição à luz solar direta, umidade e calor excessivo.
Validade: 24 meses quando devidamente armazenado.