
オーガニックピンクピタヤフルーツパウダー/ドラゴンフルーツパウダー – オーガニックピンクピタヤフルーツパウダーを購入する

オーガニックピンクピタヤフルーツパウダー/ドラゴンフルーツパウダー – オーガニックピンクピタヤフルーツパウダーを購入する

カテゴリー: ,
商品名 Organic Pink Pitaya Fruit Powder/Dragon Fruit Powder
外観 赤い粉
パーツの抽出 フルーツ
仕様 100% Natural Organic
におい & 味 特性
試験方法 HPLC
ブランド Aogu Biotech
原産地 陝西省, 中国(本土)
パッケージ 1kg /アルミホイルバッグ, 25kg /ドラムまたは要件として
OEMサービス OEMバッグ/ボトルはプライベートラベルで利用可能です.

Organic Pink Pitaya Fruit Powder/Dragon Fruit Powder
Pitaya fruit powder is made from pitaya fruit by extraction, concentration, and drying to obtain pink powder. Pitaya extract has good function of antiaging, it is good to intestinal tract, so pitaya fruit powder is common used in medicine/health food. Pitaya extract can be also used in cosmetics, it has good whitening efficiency on human skin.

Aogu Biotech—関数

1. Full of Vitamin C for Whitening skin
2. Lose w-eight as higher water-soluble fiber
3. Dispel internal heavy metal,detoxifcation
4. Improve body immunity, protect eyesight
5. Lower cholesterol, anti-cancer
6. Antiaging, Antioxidation
7. Relieve cough, asthma
8. Prevention of astriction,anti-tumour

Aogu Biotech—応用

1. Particularly red-skinned pitayas are a good source of Vitamin C.
2. Pitayas are rich in fiber and minerals, notably phosphorus and calcium. Red pitayas seem to be richer in the former, yellow ones in the latter.
3. The seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in particular Red Pitayas contain very little saturated fat.
4. Pitahayas also contain significant quantities of phytoalbumin antioxidants, which prevent the formation of cancer-causing free radicals.
5. In Taiwan, diabetics use the fruit as a food substitute for rice and as a source of dietary fiber.
6. Pitaya supposedly increases excretion of heavy metal toxins and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Eaten regularly, it is credited with alleviating chronic respiratory tract ailments.

Aogu Biotech—ホットセール商品

Augo Biotech—おすすめ商品

Aogu Biotech—パッケージ & 運送

Aogu Biotech—会社概要
