




Mannitol, E421, CAS-いいえ。. 87-78-5, a sugar alcohol/polyol, the sweetness equivalent to sucrose 70%. Manufacturing process via the hydrogenation of fructose. It is an isomer of Sorbitol, widely used as sweetener in chewing gum with its pleasant taste and mouth feel. 特徴: colorless crystalline powder, odor free and with sweet taste, easily dissolved in water. Function and uses as a sugar substitute for people with diabetes and in chewing gums.

分析 説明
外観 colorless crystalline powder
アッセイ内容 % 98.5-101.5%
乾燥による損失 % 0.3 % MAX
比旋光度, +137°-+145°
点火された残留物, % 0.1% MAX
加水分解生成物, % ≤0.1
メタノール, % ≤0.1%
PH(10% 水溶液) 5.0-7.0
砒素 (NS) < 2 ppm
カドミウム (CD) < 10 mg / kg
リード (Pb) < 2 mg / kg
水星 (Hg) < 0,1 mg / kg
総プレート数 1000cfu/g MAX
トータルイースト & 型 10cfu/g MAX
大腸菌群 10MPN/100g MAX
E. 大腸菌 ネガティブ
サルモネラ ネガティブ


Mannitol can be used in Food, 飲料, 製薬, 健康 & パーソナルケア製品, 農業/動物飼料/家禽. Mannitol is used in yogurts, puddings, processed cheeses, 焼き菓子, processed meats, ソース, soups, chewing gume. Mannitol can be used as a sweetener in diabetic foods.

Kosher Certified Mannitol :

Mannitol is an artificial sweetener manufactured through chemical synthesis. 人工低カロリー甘味料として, Mannitol is general recognized as Kosher classified as Parve.

Halal Certified Mannitol :

Mannitol is an artificial sweetener manufactured through chemical synthesis. 合成化学として, Mannitol is general recognized as halal.

Mannitol Gluten Free:

Mannitol is gluten free and widely used in gluten free food used as an artificial sweetener in products such as chewing gum, フルーツスプレッド, ジャム, 加工果物, 加工野菜, キャンディー, 飲料, コーヒー, お茶とサラダドレッシング.