
What Are Essential Amino Acids?

必須アミノ酸 (EAA) 身体機能に不可欠なアミノ酸ですが、食事から摂取する必要があります. Amino acids are carbon-containing molecules that are the building blocks of protein; それらはタンパク質分子になる鎖を形成します.

What is in an Essential Amino Acid (EAA) Supplement?

EAA Supplements will generally consist of some combination of Essential Amino Acids.There are 9 Essential Amino Acids and 3 of those 9 are also Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs).

  1. Histidine – EAA
  2. Isoleucine – EAA , BCAA
  3. Leucine – EAA, BCAA
  4. Lysine – EAA
  5. Methionine – EAA
  6. Phenylalanine – EAA
  7. Tryptophan – EAA
  8. Valine – EAA, BCAA
  9. Threonine – EAA

Essential Amino Acids Supplements Benefits

必須アミノ酸は体内のほぼすべての化学プロセスに関与しているため、必須アミノ酸サプリメントには多くの利点があります. の 20 アミノ酸, 9つは体によって生成することができず、人間の健康に不可欠です, boosting athletic performance and general well-being.Essential amino acids are the primary performance supplement for building strength, 健康的な新陳代謝を促進する, 結合組織をサポートします.

Essential Amino Acids Powder 10g

  • Helps boost athletic performance
  • Contributes to well-being
  • Aids in building strength
  • Supports the muscles
  • Promotes healthy metabolism
  • Fortifies connective tissue
  • Benefits overall health & wellness

How Does an EAA Supplement Work?

EAAs Support Muscle Protein Synthesis and, when taken before exercise, EAAs have been shown to both improve Anabolic (Muscle Building) Exercise Response and increase Muscle Protein Synthesis. Increased Muscle Protein Synthesis may create a positive protein balance and result in a muscle building (anabolic) state that allows you to recover better from exercise.

How to Take an EAA Powder Supplement?

The goal is to have Essential Amino Acids in your system by the time you start training and throughout your workout.The best way to accomplish this is to begin drinking your EAA drink several minutes prior to your workout with the goal of finishing it about half-way through your session. Always choose an EAA with added electrolytes for hydration support.After all, you generally drink EAAs while your exerting yourself!

Should you take EAAs everyday?

Both Strength and Endurance Athletes can benefit from taking a High-Quality EAA Supplement before, during or after training. Essential Amino Acids can also be taken throughout the day when a meal or a shake isn’t possible or preferred.

Is EAA supplement harmful?

You might be wondering whether it’s safe to supplement with essential amino acids, and if there are any risks. According to scientific research, there are no known serious side effects that have been reported when using an EAA supplement in both normal and high amounts.

XI’AN AOGU BIOTECH CO。、LTDは、天然の栄養補助食品成分の研究と革新に取り組んでいます. Our own factory and lab with the strict quality control system to ensure quality stability and real price of Essential amino acids (EAA). 同時に, 生産能力を確保するための原材料の独自のソースがあります.