

What is bromelain? Bromelain is a naturally occurring substance derived from the fruit, juice and stems of pineapples. It is a protein-digesting enzyme mixture, which has been researched extensively. It has several health benefits. It aids in the treatment of multiple health conditions, such as burns, sinus congestion, osteoarthritis, 消化器系の問題, cancer and other medical […]

What is it Biotin (ビタミンB7)? AOGUBIOはビオチンを供給します (ビタミンB7) is a vitamin found in foods like eggs, ミルク, とバナナ. ビオチンの欠乏は、髪の毛が薄くなり、顔に発疹を引き起こす可能性があります. ビオチンは、脂肪などの物質を分解する体内の酵素の重要な部分です, 炭水化物, その他. There isn’t […]

In 1985, Professor galinski discovered the desert halophilic bacteria in the Egyptian desert. Under the environment of high temperature, dry, strong UV irradiation and high salinity, it will produce a natural protective component in the outer layer of the cell – ectoin, so as to start the function of self repair; In addition to the […]

一般名: bromelain, パイナップル酵素, pineapple extract Latin Names: (パイナップル植物) Ananas comosus Introduction of AOGUBIO Bromelain/Bromelain Enzyme Bromelain is a group of enzymes found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. パイナップルは南北アメリカ原産ですが、現在は熱帯および亜熱帯地域で世界中で栽培されています. 歴史的に, natives of Central and South […]

Source of papain: papain, enzyme present in the leaves, latex, roots, and fruit of the papaya plant (Carica papaya) that catalyzes the breakdown of proteins by hydrolysis (addition of a water molecule). AOGU Biotech supplies papain in different specifications Papain powder 100,000 u/g 150,000 u/g 200,000 u/g 400,000 u/g 600,000 u/g 650,000 u/g 800,000 u/g 1,000,000 u/g 2,000,000 […]

Product information Product Name Tongkat Ali Extract Appearance Red Brown Powder Extract Part Root Specification 10:1,20:1, 50:1, 200:1, 500:1 貯蔵寿命 2 years Test Method TLC Brand Aogu Biotech Place of Origin Shaanxi, 中国(本土) Place of Origin 1kg/aluminum foil bag, 25kg/drum or as your requirements OEM Service OEM bag/bottle is available with private label. 製品 […]

Piperine + turmeric

六月 23, 2022

商品名:Piperine Botanical source:Piper nigrum L Spec:95%/98% 試験方法: HPLCCAS:94-62-2 MF:C17H19NO3 MW:285.34 solubility:40 mg/L (18 ºC) 融点:131-135 °C(lit.)     What is Piperine? Pure Piperine is an alkaloid that gives black pepper (パイパーニグラム) its flavor. It is slightly soluble in water and highly soluble in alcohol, chloroform and ether. Piperine has a long history […]

If you are looking for a good sports supplement to improve your athletic performance, then creatine supplements can be a great choice. A well-researched supplement, creatine is proven to be effective in building muscles and enhancing strength. 1. Why Choose Creatine Monohydrate? Maximum research has been conducted on the creatine monohydrate than any other form of […]

Lactic acid is also a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), and it is also a skin care ingredient with a long history. For the history, please see another article on the True Charm blog: Interesting Talk about Fruit Acid and the Ancient Egyptian Princess. Lactic acid is a substance in the human body, so […]

私たちは天然石鹸を作っているので、時々合成洗剤について質問されることがあります。, そして最近特にココ硫酸ナトリウムについて. ココ硫酸ナトリウムについて説明する前に、この 2 つは密接に関連しているため、ラウリル硫酸ナトリウムについて少し説明します。.   ラウリル硫酸ナトリウム (SLS)   ココ硫酸ナトリウム (SCS) ラウリル硫酸ナトリウム (SLS) is […]