

商品名 Astragalus Extract Powder
外観 yellow Brown powder
仕様 50%
貯蔵寿命 2 年
試験方法 紫外線
ブランド Aogu Biotech
原産地 陝西省, 中国(本土)
原産地 1kg /アルミホイルバッグ, 25kg /ドラムまたは要件として
OEMサービス OEMバッグ/ボトルはプライベートラベルで利用可能です.


Astragalus, this product is the root of the leguminous plant Astragalus mongoliensis. Spring, autumn digging, remove soil, fibrous roots and root head, dry to 60 また 70 into the dry, straight bundling after drying.

Astragalus extract powder is a water-soluble substance obtained by extraction, concentration and purification after astragalus drying.


1.It can enhance immunity, enhance energy, resist fatigue, resist mutation, protect liver and inhibit osteoclast.

2.According to traditional Chinese medicine, Astragalus membranaceus has the functions of tonifying qi and raising Yang, solidifying the surface and preventing perspiration, supporting poison and draining pus, improving water and swelling, collecting sores and strengthening muscles.

3.Modern pharmacological studies show that Astragalus membranaceus can enhance the body’s immune function, strong heart hypotension, hypoglycemia, 利尿, anti-aging, 抗疲労, 抗腫瘍, anti-virus, sedation, analgesia and other effects.

4.It can obviously promote the antibody production function of normal body.

5. It can promote somatic immune function.

6. It has obvious stimulating effect on interferon system.

7. It can enhance the physiological metabolism of cells.

8. Protective effect on heart function.

9. It has the effect of dilating blood vessels and coronary arteries.

10. 抗倦怠感, anti-aging effect, low temperature and high temperature resistance.

11. 抗菌, antiviral and anti-tumor effects





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はい, 20〜100gの無料サンプルが利用可能です, ただし、運賃はお客様のアカウントで発生します, そして、運賃は

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XI’AN AOGU BIOTECH CO。、LTDは、天然の栄養補助食品成分の研究と革新に取り組んでいます. Our own factory and lab with the strict quality control system to ensure quality stability and real price of Astragalus Extract Powder. 同時に, 生産能力を確保するための原材料の独自のソースがあります.