

商品名 Pine Needle Extract powder
外観 Brown Yellow Fine Powder
仕様 10:1
貯蔵寿命 2 年
試験方法 紫外線
ブランド Aogu Biotech
原産地 陝西省, 中国(本土)
原産地 1kg /アルミホイルバッグ, 25kg /ドラムまたは要件として
OEMサービス OEMバッグ/ボトルはプライベートラベルで利用可能です.


The Pine needle, also known as a Pine leaf, bristle Pine leaf, Pine hair, or mountain Pine beard, is a needle-shaped leaf of the genus Pinus in the Family Pinus. It is one of the main byproducts of the genus Pinus. The health care function of pine needles is closely related to its chemical constituents, and the research on its chemical constituents mainly focuses on the bioactive substances such as volatile oil, フラボノイド, lignans and shikimic acid..


Aogubio Best Price Pine Needle Extract powder

1.The health care value

Pine Needle Extract powder can regulate blood lipids, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, and promote the normal operation of blood vessels and capillaries.

Pine needle extract can reduce tissue damage caused by lipid peroxides, which are related to anti-aging.

Pine Needle Extract powder has obvious sedative hypnotic effect.

Pine needle extract can protect immune organs, inhibit tumor cell growth and increase body immunity.

2.Other value

In animal husbandry, pine needles contain rich nutrients, processed into pine needle powder added to feed, can improve the output and egg quality of livestock and poultry, and improve the meat quality of livestock and poultry, but also enhance the immune function of livestock and poultry. Pine needle oil and spices extracted from pine needles can be used as industrial raw materials for dye, 石鹸, 化粧品, 薬, chemical industry and so on.





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XI’AN AOGU BIOTECH CO。、LTDは、天然の栄養補助食品成分の研究と革新に取り組んでいます. Our own factory and lab with the strict quality control system to ensure quality stability and real price of Pine Needle Extract powder. 同時に, 生産能力を確保するための原材料の独自のソースがあります.