
Aogubio Supply N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine, or Aogubio supply N Acetyl Glucosamine, is an amide that is used in several biological functions. N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) is D-glucosamine bonded to acetic acid. N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine (NAG), which are joint and knee supplements, is a naturally occurring nutrient that is an essential building block for joint cartilage, skin and connective tissue. It supports the healthy production of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are found in all connective tissues, including skin, joints and cartilage. GAGs provide structure to cells while also maintaining their flexibility. In addition to being an essential component of cartilage, NAG plays an important role in maintaining the structure of your intestinal mucosa. This joint support supplements helps support healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Lastly, NAG supplement, or lung health supplements, may also have anti-inflammatory properties that may be beneficial for overall health of the urinary tract, bladder, digestive tract and the connective tissues. Our N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine is available in powder form and does not contain any fillers or additives.

What is N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine?

N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is an isomer of N-acetyl glucosamine. It is one of two stereoisomers. L'isomero opposto è la N-acetil-L-glucosamina. Sia la N-acetil-D-glucosamina che la N-acetil-L-glucosamina possono contribuire alla formazione della chitina. Inoltre, svolge un ruolo importante come metabolita batterico. Possiamo trovarlo come un prodotto naturale che si trova in Daphnia pulex, Strept omyces erba medica, eccetera.

Cos'è la N-acetil glucosamina?

La N-acetil glucosamina è un'ammide derivata dal glucosio monosaccaride. Possiamo nominarlo come un'ammide secondaria formata da glucosamina e acido acetico. This substance is important for many biological systems. The chemical formula of this compound is C8H15NO6.

N-acetyl glucosamine can be found as a biopolymer in the bacterial cell wall. We can easily abbreviate the name of this substance as GlcNAc. It is the monomeric unit of the polymer chitin. Chitin forms the exoskeleton of anthropods such as insects and crustaceans. Chitin is the major component of the radulas of mollusks, the beaks of cephalopods, and it is a major component of the cell walls of most fungi. Inoltre, upon the polymerization of N-acetyl glucosamine with glucuronic acid, it can produce hyaluronan.

Inoltre, N-acetyl glucosamine is considered an inhibitor of elastase that is released from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. But this is weaker than the inhibition that can be observed in N-acetylgalactosamine.

When considering the medical uses of N-acetyl glucosamine, it is useful as a treatment for autoimmune diseases; some recent research studies have shown that this use has some success.

The addition of N-acetyl glucosamine to the serine or threonine of a protein is named as O-GlcNAcylation. This occurs by means of activating or deactivating enzymes or transcription factors.

What is the Difference Between N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine?

AOGUBIO SUPPLY N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is an isomer of N-acetyl glucosamine, while N-acetyl glucosamine is an amide that is derived from monosaccharide glucose. The key difference between N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine is that N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is the D isomer of N-acetyl glucosamine, whereas N-acetyl glucosamine is an amide that occurs as a major component in the bacterial cell wall. Inoltre, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is highly abundant whereas the L isomer of N-acetyl glucosamine is less abundant while the D isomer is highly abundant..

Summary – N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine vs N-Acetyl Glucosamine

N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is an isomer of N-acetyl glucosamine, while N-acetyl glucosamine is an amide that is derived from monosaccharide glucose. The key difference between N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine is that N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is the D isomer of N-acetyl glucosamine, whereas N-acetyl glucosamine is an amide that occurs as a major component in the bacterial cell wall.

XI'AN AOGU BIOTECH CO., LTD è dedicata alla ricerca e all'innovazione negli ingredienti degli integratori alimentari naturali. Our own factory and lab with the strict quality control system to ensure quality stability and real price of N-ACETYL GLUCOSAMINE. Allo stesso tempo, abbiamo la nostra fonte per la materia prima per assicurarci la capacità di produzione.