
Factory Supply Organic Lemon Juice Powder Best PriceBuy Lemon Juice Powder

Factory Supply Organic Lemon Juice Powder Best PriceBuy Lemon Juice Powder


Factory Supply Organic Lemon Juice Powder Best Price

Aogu Biotech—introduzione al prodotto

nome del prodotto Lemon Juice Powder
Dimensione delle particelle 80-100 Maglia
Parte utilizzata Corpo di frutta
Colore Polvere giallo chiaro
solubilità Solubile in Acqua
Applicazione Cibo, Bevanda
Caratteristica 100% Naturale, Nessun pigmento, Non-GMO, Vegano
Conservazione Si prega di conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto, tenere lontano da forte luce/calore.

Lemon Powder is made from natural lemon fruit. The lemon (Citru limon) is a small evergreen tree and the tree’s yellow fruit. Lemon fruit is used for culinary and nonculinary purposes throughout the world —-primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind (zest) are also used, mainly in cooking and baking. Lemon juice is approximately 5% citric acid, which gives lemons a sour taste.

Aogu Biotech—Applicazione

Lemon Powder is usually used in food and beverages.

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Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder Lemon Juice Powder