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AOGUBIO Aristoflex AVC è un polimero sintetico utilizzato come gelificante per sistemi acquosi e come testurizzante e addensante per emulsioni olio in acqua. È pre-neutralizzato, facile da usare e fornisce formulazioni con un ottimo valore di resa, corrispondente a una stabilità superiore anche in assenza di emulsionante aggiuntivo. This product has a good compatibility with organic […]

Cos'è la polvere MCT? Per capire appieno cos'è la polvere MCT, dobbiamo prima definire l'acronimo MCT. MCT sta per trigliceridi a catena media. Trigliceridi, in generale, costituiscono la maggior parte dei grassi che consumiamo. All'interno di questi grassi, tutti i trigliceridi contengono acidi grassi, di cui esistono tre tipi principali: acidi grassi a catena lunga (LCFA), medium-chain […]

Cos'è la melatonina? La melatonina è un ormone sintetizzato e secreto dalla ghiandola pineale. L'oscurità innesca la produzione di melatonina nel corpo, mentre la luce lo inibisce. La produzione di melatonina aiuta a regolare il ritmo circadiano (l’orologio interno del corpo). Il ruolo più importante della melatonina è quello di sincronizzare il ciclo sonno-veglia, which is the pattern of time spent awake and asleep […]

Descrizione: Sinonimo(S):6-(1-piperidinile)pirimidina-2,4-diammina 3-ossido,6-(1-piperidinile)-2,4-Formula empirica di 3-ossido di pirimidinediammina (Notazione Hill):C9H15N5O Numero CAS:38304-91-5 Peso molecolare:209.25 EC Number:253-874-2 Minoxidil applied to the scalp is used to stimulate hair growth in adult men and women with a certain type of baldness. The exact way that this medicine works is not known. If hair growth is going to occur with the […]

L-Theanine excels in relieving stress, relaxing, aiding sleep and regulating immunity. With the easing of the COVID-19 pandemic, the post-covid-19 era is coming. In addition to controlling the virus from the source of the epidemic and making every effort to treat and prevent and control it, the public is paying more and more attention to […]

The weather is getting warmer and the grass is growing. Some people show their waists on the beach, some people wear jackets under the air conditioner, and some people are armed to the teeth in order to ride the whitening road. Umbrella and sunscreen are the basic standard, tranexamic acid, arbutina, 377, aa2g, niacinamide, e […]

Lactic acid is a substance in the human body, so its safety is not a problem. Lactic acid has a wide range of effects, from the food industry to the material industry. What AOGUBIO wants to introduce is its application in the cosmetic industry. The role of lactic acid, AOGUBIO summarizes as follows: Peeling: As a […]

Black rice is a type of rice that contains high amounts of certain antioxidants. This gives the rice its characteristic black color. Black rice is eaten as food and taken as medicine. Black rice contains high levels of antioxidants which may help reduce swelling. Aogubio supply Black rice extract anthocyanin, People use black rice for […]

Metil Sulfonil Metano

agosto 9, 2022

What is Methylsulfonylmethane Aogubio Supply 100% pure methyl-sulfonyl methane (MSM) in a convenient powder form, ideal for anyone looking to up their nutritional intake of MSM with zero hassle. Methyl-sulfonyl methane, commonly referred to as MSM, is an organosulfur compound that’s commonly found in fluid around the joints. Our MSM Powder offers a convenient way […]

Jojoba Beads. These beads are 100% pure Jojoba microspheres. Jojoba is often considered an oil, because its liquid at room temperature. But this is technically not true, jojoba is really a soft wax – and shouldn’t be considered an oil at all. If you take jojoba and put it in even a slightly cold room, […]