
What is Griffonia Seed Extract?

Estratto di semi di Griffonia,5-HTP is a hormone in the body called serotonin (5- hydroxy tryptophan, the precursor of 5-HT), 5-HTP can help the body to produce of 5-HT. 5-HT is related to some basic function of the nervous system such as arousal, mood, e può anche controllare il linguaggio del corpo umano, trasmissione del movimento e della sensazione. Quindi 5-HTP è usato per l'antidepressione; perdita di peso; migliorare il sonno; alleviare la sindrome premestruale; ridurre l'emicrania, cefalea tensiva e cefalea cronica, Mancanza di BH4 PKU ecc.

Da dove viene il seme di Griffonia simplicifolia?

La pianta Griffonia simplicifolia viene coltivata nel clima tropicale del Ghana, Costa d'Avorio e Togo. Può crescere fino a 3 m e quando fiorisce produce semi che, quando maturo, contenere tra 14%-20% 5-htp. We only extract 5-htp from the seeds but the leaves of the plant actually contain serotonin in concentrations of 0.1-0.2%. They also have a surprisingly high protein content and contain calcium and phosphorous. Its leaves are recognised as a natural anti-septic and, in more traditional African medicine, chewing the stem is said to have an aphrodisiac effect whilst the plant’s juices are used to treat urinary tract diseases.

introduzione al prodotto:

nome del prodotto: Estratto di semi di Griffonia

Product Specification: 50%~98% 5-Hydroxy-Tryninphan

Nome latino: Griffonia Simplicifolia

Metodo di prova: HPLC

Toxicity and Contraindications:

  • HTP is low in toxicity, and has few side-effects. If someone feels excess exciting, extremely nervous and discomposed, it is advised to take less dosage at the beginning and then increase gradually.

What Dosage Of 5-HTP Should You Take?

The dosage of 5 HTP that you require will depend on the reason that you’re taking it. Different dosages of 5-HTP will provide different effects. Per esempio, for weight loss it’s recommended to take 250mg of 5 HTP, three times a day. Tuttavia, the dosage for sleep is 100mg – 300mg, before bed.

Function of Griffonia Seed Extract

  1. Improving in mood, ansia, insonnia, and physical symptoms;
  2. Anti depression, Reducing depressing and fibromyalgia;
  3. Being effective in various types of headaches including tension headache and migraines;
  4. Decreasing food intake and weight loss.

Application of Griffonia Seed Extract

  1. Come materie prime di farmaci per antibatterico, antidepressivi, antitumorale e sedativo, è ampiamente utilizzato nei settori dei prodotti farmaceutici e sanitari;
  2. As insomnia, other similar symptoms of psychasthenia and lose weight product raw material, it is widely used in health products industry;
  3. Poiché gli integratori alimentari hanno aumentato la funzione terapeutica, it is widely used in fields of dietary supplement products;
  4. As products of sedative and anti-bacterial, they are widely used to add to beauty products in cosmetic industry.

Dosing of Estratto di semi di Griffonia

The appropriate dose of Griffonia simplicifolia depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for Griffonia simplicifolia. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.