La langue:  

Chlorhydrate de thiamine de vitamine B1 et mononitrate de thiamine

Chlorhydrate de thiamine de vitamine B1 et mononitrate de thiamine


Description du produit:

Vitamine B1, two forms Thiamine Hydrochloride and Thiamine Mononitrate, CAS no.67-03-8 and CAS 532-43-4, white or almost white, crystalline powder or small, colorless crystals. Sparingly soluble in water, freely soluble in boiling water, slightly soluble in alcohol and in methanol.

Une analyse La description
Apparence White or almost white, crystalline powder or colourless crystals
Identification ET,Characteristic Reaction and Test of chlorides
Essai 98.5-101.0
pH 2.7-3.3
Absorbance of solution ≤0.025
Solubilité Freely Soluble in Water,Soluble in Glycerol,Slightly Soluble in Alcohol
apparence de la solution Clear and not more than Y7
Sulfates ≤300PPM
Limit of nitrate No brown ring is produced
Métaux lourds ≤20 PPM
Substances apparentées Any impurity % ≤0.4
Eau ≤5.0
Sulphated ash/Residueon ignition ≤0.1
Chromatographic purity ≤1.0
Analyse microbienne
Nombre total de plaques ≤ 250
Levure totale & Mouler ≤ 50
Coliformes ≤ 3
E. Coli Négatif
Salmonelle Négatif


Vitamine B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride and Thiamine Mononitrate) utilisé dans la nourriture, Boisson, Pharmaceutique, Santé & Produits de soins personnels, Agriculture/Alimentation animale/Volaille. Thiamine Nitrate and Thiamine hydrochloride are two forms of Vitamin B1. Vitamine B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride and Thiamine Mononitrate) can be used as supplement in food, feed and pharmaceuticals.

Kosher Certified Vitamin B1 :

Vitamin B1 Thiamine Hydrochloride and Thiamine Mononitrate is general recognized as Kosher classified as Parve.

Halal Certified Vitamin B1 :

Vitamine B1(Thiamine Hydrochloride and Thiamine Mononitrate) is a type of vitamin manufactured through chemical synthesis, est généralement reconnu comme halal.

Vitamin B1 Gluten Free:

Vitamine B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride and Thiamine Mononitrate) is gluten free and widely used in gluten free food to provide a great dietary supplement that are essential for human health to processed food.