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Poudre d'extrait de Panax Ginseng Bio Ginsenosides – Acheter Extrait De Ginseng En Poudre De Ginsenosides Naturels

Poudre d'extrait de Panax Ginseng Bio Ginsenosides – Acheter Extrait De Ginseng En Poudre De Ginsenosides Naturels

Nom du produit Poudre d'extrait de Panax Ginseng Bio Ginsenosides
Apparence Poudre jaune clair
Ingrédient actif Ginsenosides
spécification 10%/20%/50%/80% Ginsenosides
Odeur & Goût Caractéristique
Méthode d'essai HPLC
Marque Aogu Biotech
Lieu d'origine Shaanxi, Chine(Continent)
Emballer 1kg/sac de papier d'aluminium, 25kg/tambour ou selon vos besoins
Service OEM Le sac/bouteille OEM est disponible avec une étiquette privée.

Poudre d'extrait de Panax Ginseng Bio GinsenosidesGinseng has been an important herbal remedy in ancient China for thousands of years. The main active ingredients in Korean ginseng are ginsenosides.

It is proved that ginseng has the actions of anti-fatigues, anti-âge, anti-shock, improving mental vitality and memory, regulating incretion, strengthening immunity and cardiovascular system.

Classification of ginseng
Classification by country of origin: American ginseng from the United States and Canada, Korean ginseng from China and Korean, Siberian ginseng from Russia, Japanese ginseng from Japan.

Classification by processing methods, including red ginseng, white ginseng, and fresh ginseng.

Aogu Biotech—Fonction

1. Mental Ability
Panax ginseng may improve cognitive performance during prolonged periods of mental activity, researchers found that those given Panax ginseng were less likely to experience mental fatigue while taking a test (compared to those given a placebo).

2. Controlling Blood Sugar
Panax ginseng may aid in diabetes management. study members who took Panax ginseng supplements for the same time period experienced greater improvements in blood sugar control.

3. Erectile Dysfunction
Panax ginseng appears to be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, those who took Panax ginseng for eight weeks showed greater improvements than those given a placebo for the same time period.

4. Enhance memory
It is showed that a combination of Panax ginseng and ginkgo biloba may help enhance memory in healthy middle-aged adults.

5. Immune System Enhancement
panax ginseng\’s tonic effects include the strengthening of the immune system. Studies showed that in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis, antibiotics were more effective when patients also took ginseng. Ginseng also enhanced the effect of flu vaccines.

6. Cancer Chemotherapy
Some studies show that panax ginseng use lowers the risk of cancer in patients over 40 years old. During chemotherapy, cancer patients receiving ginseng injections rather than oral doses saw improvements in body weight and in quality of life.

Aogu Biotech—Application

1. Appliqué dans le domaine alimentaire, it is added into kinds of beverage, liquor and foods as functional food additive.

2. Appliqué dans le domaine des produits de santé, it is widely added into various kinds of health products to prevent chronic diseases or relief symptom of climacteric syndrome.

3. Applied in cosmetics field, it is widely added into the cosmetics with the function of delaying aging and compacting skin, thus make skin much smooth and delicate.

4. Owning estrogenic effect and reliefing symptom of climacteric syndrome.

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