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Poudre de Kanna fermenté de haute qualité d'approvisionnement d'usine – Acheter du Kanna Fermenté

Poudre de Kanna fermenté de haute qualité d'approvisionnement d'usine – Acheter du Kanna Fermenté


Description du produit

The South African Hotentot tribe was one of the most well-known societies that used Kanna. The Hotentot are known to chew kanna roots and leaves to get a feeling of euphoria, energy or relaxation. There’s even evidence that prehistoric cultures used kanna too.Also called “channa” or “kuogoed” – a word that means“chewable” – kanna is gaining popularity outside of Africa. It is available in two basic forms: fermented or unfermented. Kanna can be used as-is or it can be aged and fermented. The fermenting process takes approximately one week. Traditionnellement, the kanna plant – leaves, stems and roots – would be crushed and allowed to ferment for approximately seven days. Then, it would be dried in the sun. A similar process is used today.
Fermented kanna has what most regard as a more pleasant flavor and more pleasant effects. It’s also possible to blend fermented and unfermented kanna.

Nom du produit Fermented kanna extract powder
Sample Service Free sample 20g
Method Fermenté
Apparence green to yellow powder
shelf life 24 mois

Aogu Biotech—Fonction
Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder
Fermented kanna’s effects are somewhat stronger than unfermented kanna. The effects typically include improved mood and euphoria,pain relief, reduced anxiety and a relief of stress and muscle tension. Kanna also has appetite reduction properties.
In smaller dosages and/or on a full stomach, kanna can be more energizing, whereas in larger dosages and/or on an empty stomach,kanna can be more sedating.
Kanna’s active alkaloids produce a variety of effects.

Aogu Biotech-Application
Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder

OEM Service from Healthway
As a professional natural health product supplier, different custom service is available. Any demand please contact us.

Emballage: 1kg/sac, 25kg/tambour Deux sacs en plastique à l'intérieur et des tambours en papier ou selon les exigences du client.
Stockage: Stocker dans un endroit serré, conteneurs résistants à la lumière, éviter l'exposition directe au soleil, humidité et chaleur excessive.
Durée de conservation: 24 mois lorsqu'il est correctement stocké.

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Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder




Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder

Emballage & Expédition

Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder

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Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder


Factory supply high quality Fermented kanna powder