La langue:  

La cire de Candelilla est une cire végétale naturelle dérivée des feuilles de la petite plante Candelilla cultivée dans les régions semi-arides du nord du Mexique et du sud-ouest des États-Unis.. Connu comme une famille d'une espèce de plantes à fleurs, on l'appelle parfois Euphorbia antisyphilitica. Sometimes labeled as Euphorbia Cerifera wax or Euphorbia Cerifera, this wax is detectable by its yellowish-brown color, brittle shell, aromatic nature and opaque, translucent appearance.

Candelilla Wax Les usages

It is mostly used mixed with other waxes to harden them without raising their melting point. As a food additive, candelilla wax has the E number E 902 and is used as a glazing agent. It also finds use in cosmetic industry, as a component of lip balms and lotion bars. One of its major uses is as a binder for chewing gums.

Candelilla wax can be used as a substitute for carnauba wax and beeswax. It is also used for making varnish.

Candelilla Wax Benefits

Candelilla has many benefits, including serving as a thickening and hardening agent, a synthetics-free emollient and nourishing skin conditioner. Not only effective in binding ingredients, but the unique quality of Candelilla wax also makes it safe for skin. It also been found to soothe and soften the skin.

Candelilla wax also has been found to improve the appearance of stretch marks, diminish the signs of aging (i.e.wrinkles and age spot) and relieve dehydrated skin. Studies also indicate that Candelilla can serve as an alternative to developing trans-free products for the food industry.

XI'AN AOGU BIOTECH CO., LTD se consacre à la recherche et à l'innovation dans les ingrédients de suppléments nutritionnels naturels. Our own factory and lab with the strict quality control system to ensure quality stability and real price of Candelilla Wax. En même temps, nous avons notre propre source de matière première pour nous assurer de la capacité de production.