
hongo chaga (oblicuo desconocido) es un tipo de hongo que crece principalmente en la corteza de los abedules en climas fríos, como el norte de europa, Siberia, Rusia, Corea, Norte de Canadá y Alaska. A menudo parece una masa oscura de tierra, pero tiene un tejido de color naranja brillante debajo de su exterior..

Por siglos, chaga mushroom dried has been used as a traditional medicine in Russia and other Northern European countries, mainly to boost immunity and overall health. It has also been used to treat diabetes, certain cancers and heart disease. Tradicionalmente, chaga was grated into a fine powder and brewed as an herbal tea. Hoy en día, no solo está disponible como té, sino también como suplemento en polvo o en cápsulas. El té puede contener chaga solo o en combinación con otros hongos., como cordyceps.

Our chaga mushroom extract powder is 100% certificado puro y orgánico. A continuación se encuentran sus 3 principales beneficios para la salud:

  1. Reducir el colesterol

Chaga mushrooms contain many antioxidants and compounds that may reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), el llamado colesterol malo.

  1. Prevención y ralentización del cáncer

Some studies have explored the possibility that chaga mushrooms may prevent cancer and slow its growth.

Chaga es rico en antioxidantes.. Estos son químicos que ayudan a prevenir el daño celular causado por radicales libres u oxidantes..

  1. Supporting the immune system

Chaga may help regulate the production of cytokines, supporting the immune system by helping cells communicate with one another. This could help fight infections, from minor colds to life threatening illnesses.

Chaga mushroom is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet. Just use a dash of natural chaga mushroom powder in your everyday vegetable dishes.

AOGUBIO chaga mushroom extract contains nutrients such as protein and iron, and the fungus from which it comes is considered a strong immune system booster.

With a vegan friendly, non-gluten, kosher formula, AOGUBIO 20:1 chaga mushroom extract is perfect for men and women of all ages, including for those with special dietary restrictions!

AOGUBIO chaga mushroom powder is pure, orgánico, loaded with nutrients, and contains no fillers or additional ingredients. You’ll love the superior quality of our natural chaga mushroom powder. Here at AOGUBIO, our first priority is ensuring that we are providing our customers with premium supplements in an ethical manner and at an affordable price. Just contact us and have a try!

XI'AN AOGU BIOTECH CO.,LTD se dedica a la investigación e innovación en ingredientes de suplementos nutricionales naturales. Our own factory and lab with the strict quality control system to ensure quality stability and real price of Chaga Mushroom Extract . Al mismo tiempo, Tenemos nuestra propia fuente de materia prima para asegurarnos de que la capacidad de producción.