
Ονομασία προϊόντος: Bitter Melon Extract Charantin

Λατινική ονομασία:Momordica charantia L.

Grade Standard: Βαθμός Τροφίμων

Εμφάνιση:Brown powder


Διάρκεια ζωής:2 χρόνια


  1. All products,Health care products, Fruit and vegetable powder, Nutritional supplements, Blogs, Νέα, OEM Production, brown powder, Bitter Melon Extract Charantin,10%Charantin

Πληροφορίες Προϊόντος

Ονομασία προϊόντος Bitter Melon Extract Charantin
Εμφάνιση Brown powder
Εξαγωγή μέρους Friut
Προσδιορισμός 10%-25%
Διάρκεια ζωής 2 χρόνια
Μέθοδος ελέγχου TLC
Μάρκα Aogu Biotech
Τόπο καταγωγής Shaanxi, Κίνα(Ηπειρωτική χώρα)
Τόπο καταγωγής 1kg/τσάντα από αλουμινόχαρτο, 25kg/τύμπανο ή σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις σας
Υπηρεσία OEM Η τσάντα/μπουκάλι OEM διατίθεται με ιδιωτική ετικέτα.

Ππεριγραφή προϊόντος

Natural products are of increasing clinical significance in the prevention of disease in modern health care systems. Bitter melon is a health-promoting vegetable that has traditionally been used as a medical nutritional therapy to treat diabetes, but in order to achieve maximum health claims, it is vital to be vigilant about substances in its diet as part of therapeutic actions for the effective management of diabetes.

In this study, the first phase focused on the detection of key bioactive ingredients, namely Shapiro and Vicine, in different parts of the fruit. In the second stage, normal and hyperglycemic Sprague Dawley rats were fed with 150 και 300 mg/kg balmoma melon skin, pulp and whole fruit, respectively, to evaluate the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The content of Charantin was the highest in flesh (0.16±0.02 mg/g), but rich in the whole fruit (0.21±0.01 μg/100 g). Hyperglycemia rats presented diabetes complications such as polydipsia, polyuria, Διαβήτης, renal hypertrophy and increased glomerular filtration rate. Ωστόσο, eating bitter melon showed significant improvement in these parameters. The most effective dose was 300 mg/kg of whole fruit, which could reduce blood glucose level b y 31.64% and increase insulin level by 27.35% in hyperglycemic rats.

Λειτουργία του Bitter Melon Extract Charantin


1.Clearing heat and detoxifying: Bitter melon can relieve the heat in the heart and eliminate toxins in the body.

2.Nourishing and tender skin: often eat bitter melon can enhance cortex vitality, so that the skin becomes delicate and strong.

3.Hypoglycemia: Clam meat bitter melon soup is the best hypoglycemia. The crude extract of Balsam pear contains insulin-like substance and has obvious hypoglycemic effect.

4.Nourish blood and nourish liver: Bitter melon tastes bitter, raw is cold, ripe is warm. Raw food clears heat and purges fire, eliminates heat and irritates;

5.Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic: Although not everyone is used to eating bitter melon, but nutrition is extremely rich, in addition to rich in protein, ζάχαρη, μεταλλικά στοιχεία, βιταμίνες, but also contains several unique ingredients. Among them, bitter taste element is known as “fat killer”, can clear heat, reduce fire, spleen appetizer; Momordicin can regulate blood pressure, blood lipid and cholesterol to a certain extent, and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels.


Aogubio supply Organic High Quality Bitter Melon Extract Charantin

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