



Molekulare Formel: C12H22CaO14 • H2ÖMolekulargewicht: 448.38

CAS-Nr.: 299-28-5, 18016-24-5

EINECS-NR.: 206-075-8

Aussehen: White crystalline granules or powder.

Organoleptisch: Odorless and tasteless.

Löslichkeit: It is easily soluble in water (3.3% in water and 20% in hot water), but insoluble in ethanol. It could be dissolved together with calcium lactate.

Anwendung: It is the common source of baby calcium supplement, widely used in infant food, cereal and cereal product, Gesundheitsprodukte, sports and milk beverage, high calcium concentrate, etc. It also could be as buffer and firming agent, used in fried food and pastries, to prevent oxidation and discoloration, and improve the sensory quality.

Vorteil: Es hat eine gute Löslichkeit und kann leicht vom Körper aufgenommen werden.

Standard: Es entspricht den Anforderungen der FCC, USP, BP.


Artikel FCC USP
Probe % 98.0~102,0 99.0~101,0
Trocknungsverlust % ≤2,0 ≤2,0
Reducing substances % ≤1,0 ≤1,0
Sulfat % ≤0,05 ≤0,05
Chlorid % ≤0,05 ≤0,07
Schwermetalle % ≤0,002 ≤0,002
Arsen (als Als) % ≤ 0.0002 ≤0,0003
Organische flüchtige Verunreinigungen —— meets the requirements