
Instant EAA Powder

Instant EAA Powder

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Product Description

Essential amino acids must be included in diets through food sources or supplementation. The main food sources include soy
protein, eggs, parmesan, sesame, peanuts, whitefish, beef and smelts.
Essential amino acids (EAA) are amino acids that are essential for bodily function but must be acquired through the diet. Amino
acids are carbon-containing molecules that are the building blocks of protein; they form chains that become protein molecules.


Items Specifications
Appearance White crystals or crystalline powder
L-Leucine 33.0%
L-Valine 14.60%
L-Lysine Hcl 14.60%
L-Phenylalanine 11.90%
L-Threonine 9.90%
L-Isoleucine 6.00%
L-Histidine Hcl 4.70%
L-Methionine 3.30%
L-Tryptophan 1.30%
Lecithin 0.5~1.0%
Heavy metals ≤10ppm
Arsenic(As2O3) ≤1ppm
Lead ≤3ppm
Mercury ≤0.1ppm
Cadmium ≤1ppm
Particle size range 95% through 80 mesh
Bulk Density
Tapped Density
Loss on drying ≤5.0%
Total plate count ≤1000cfu/g
Yeast & Mold ≤100cfu/g
E. Coli Negative
Salmonella Negative
Staphylococcus aureus Negative
Foam test /


  • Essential amino acids supplements have many benefits because essential amino acids are involved in nearly every chemical process in the body. Of the 20 amino acids, nine cannot be produced by the body and are essential to human health, boosting athletic performance and general well-being.
  • Essential amino acids are the primary performance supplement for building strength, promoting healthy metabolism, and supporting connective tissue.