
Extra fine L(+)-tartaric acid

Extra fine L(+)-tartaric acid

Categories: ,

Molecular formula: C4H6O6
Molecular weight: 150.09
CAS NO.: 87-69-4

Quality Standard

Appearance white fine powder
Assay( on dry basis) ≥ 96.5%
Heavy Metal ≤ 10 PPM
Loss on Drying ≤ 0.5%
Anticaking agent ≤ 3%
Particle size 95% pass through 63microns


It is employed in the production of various construction materials such as gypsum board and cement. It’s primary use is to act as a retarding agent in order delay setting during works.

Packing: 25kg net in complex bag lined with PE bag/500-700kg bulk bags

Storage:Kept air-tightly in a light-proof, dry and cool place

Shelf life:24 months